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View Statement on non open source code

On 08 July 2013 the Searchdaimon enterprise search engine was released as open source.

We have released everything related to Searchdaimon enterprise search is open source, except a couple of thing we unfortunately have had to hold on to:

DWG/CAD converter – We have a converter for extracting text from CAD files. Unfortunately it contains proprietary code from the Open Design Alliance that prevents us from releasing it. However the binary version will continue to be available.

Client tools – Client tools are a collection of small software for patching Windows clients so end-users can easier interact with the ES. It makes the necessary scheme fixes so clicking on smb:// and outlook:// links opens files and emails in the correct program. There is also a bar that can be added to the Windows task bar so the user can easily search with the ES without remember its url. Most of this is documented in the End-user integration, local client software and patching section. Most is already freely available from our homepage, but the Windows task bar may contain some code from 3-parties. We are looking into what we can do here.

Internet stuffSearchdaimon ones run an internet scale search engine. The backend was the ES, with the addition of three other pieces: 1) a distributed crawler written in Delphi where users could volunteer to use the idle time of their computer to crawl websites for us. 2) A server side dispatcher that send urls to the crawlers 3) A ranking program to calculate link-based ranking based (similar to PageRank, HITS and TrustRank).

The distributed crawler unfortunately contains some 3-party software for parsing HTML, parsing XML and compression. The ranking program may also contain ideas that are under NDA.

We would love to see an ES powered internet search engine again, but it’s probably not that realistic. However we are looking into cleaning out all 3-party code and open source the rest in hope that someone will find it useful.