Products overview
Find documents, mail and other information as quick and simple as finding websites with Google.
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Searchdaimon ES gives you:
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With Searchdaimon Enterprise Search you'll have a open source Plug'n'Play solution for information retrieval in your company.
Our solution comes complete with operating system and software. It can be installed on a standard Intel server, on a VMware/Xen/VirtualBox platform, in the Amazon cloud, or you can get it as a Search Appliance on a server supplied from us.
Searchdaimon ES is based on ten years of research and development. ES is one of the most scalable, fastest and most accurate solutions for search today. Retrieval of information, analysis and storage constitutes the three most important parts of the system. With a highly advanced system for distributed information retrieval and analysis, combined with large capacity storage handling, we are ready to solve challenges for enterprises of all sizes.
Searchdaimon ES is delievered as an out-of-the-box solution, complete with operating system and our software. The Searchdaimon ES software is written in the programming language C, and operates independent of your company's other systems. With Searchdaimon ES installed, all configuration takes place through a user friendly and intuitive web user interface. A superuser or an administrator on your network will be able to set up the service in a few hours.
- No longer need to spend hours looking for information
- Don't have to re-create information already present in the company
- Increase profitability by efficiency improvements of work processes
- Don't depend on colleagues for finding documents
The simplest way to learn about Searchdaimon ES is to test out the demo foryourself. We also have an introduction video which shows how easy it is to install it on VMware, and get search up-and-running. Also read about our search functions and administrative functions.