When I present before local and national audiences on the subject tools for investors, I’m often asked where one can access useful information for neophyte investors that is not only unbiased and easy to understand, but also actionable.because of the importance of this goal, I’m asking you to contact me by email with your observations, questions and insights on how to reach young people with information that will motivate them to save and invest for the future. It also would be helpful to hear about young people you know who could be successful role models for others. ’At NEFE, with more than 30 years in the business, we’re learning a lot about how to reach people at critical life decisions like buying a house, starting a family, or even going to college,’ said Golden. ’So, our work is to provide people with the tools, knowledge and the encouragement to get information, starting with the classroom, through the workplace, all the way onto retirement.’ Quwusna, Egypt
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