I’m testing SD on a VM hosted by ESX 4.1, I have an issue when I try to change the frontpage settings.
At the moment is set as Infopage, buy I would set “Private search page”.
Every time I submit the change I get this error
Unable to update frontpage preference. Cant open /home/boitho/boithoTools/public_html/.htaccess.new Permission denied at Page/Settings.pm line 213
How to fix ?
Another question: I’m testing SMB Collections, for example I set a collection for a public folder, collections for some private folders etc.
Loggin in as a standard domain user and trying a search, I found results from all collections, the user can see results but, obviously, cannot access the files inside private folders where has not access rights.
There’s a way to amend not accessible files from results ?
Last question: it’ seems that file links in results are not clickable in Chrome, this feature works in IE.
How to create groups ?