Can Searchdaimon index file system folders in languages other than English?
While evaluating Searchdaimon I’ve created a SMB collection to index a file system resource ( //my.server/myfolder/ ) and configured it with a valid user authentication credentials and user prefix.
The top level directory of the file system resource contains two sub-folders in Japanese. When the crawl is started it returns almost immediately. The status of the collection on the admin screen is OK (green tick mark), but the collection size is zero.
Checking the Crawling Management Log reveals:
Jan 14 15:10:26 searchdaimon crawlManager[26826]: Finished crawling of collection “SMBTest” (id 181).
Jan 14 15:10:26 searchdaimon crawlManager[26826]: ERROR: crawlsmb.c: Error! Could not open directory //g-my.server/myfolder//部門別フォルダ for dir “//g-mode.local/root//部門別フォルダ” at src/crawlSMB/crawlsmb.c:243
Jan 14 15:10:26 searchdaimon crawlManager[26826]: ERROR: documentError: level: 1
Jan 14 15:10:26 searchdaimon crawlManager[26826]: ERROR: crawlsmb.c: Error! Could not open directory //my.server/myfolder//業務用フォルダ for dir “//g-mode.local/root//業務用フォルダ” at src/crawlSMB/crawlsmb.c:243
Jan 14 15:10:26 searchdaimon crawlManager[26826]: ERROR: documentError: level: 1
When using a SMB collection configured initially with a Japanese directory name (e.g. //my.server/myfolder/部門別フォルダ/) the admin screen returns the following error when attempting to start the crawl.
Could not submit crawling request.
Error: crawlsmb.c: Error! Could not open directory //my.server/myfolder/部門別フォルダ/: for dir “//my.server/myfolder/部門別フォルダ/” at src/crawlSMB/crawlsmb.c:563
Is this error caused by the Japanese directory names, or possibly my SMB Collection configuration?