We just started using SearchDaimon to help find documents and are hugely impressed!
Here is what I came up with for available commands for users. Have I missed any?
Useful SearchDaimon Search Modifiers and Tools
-Typing ‘-’ in front of a word, will remove all documents containing this word.
- Inflections are added automatically (plurals, etc.)
- Adding “ before and after a word or a sentence will search for the exact sentence. (ie: “test results printer” shows only that exact phrase.
- Boolean (AND ) is used as default search
- Boolean ( OR) is supported. Adding ‘|’ before a word means OR. For example apple |oranges returns documents containing apples or oranges.
- Wildcards are NOT supported (* ? etc.)( * may be supported in the next release)
- Auto suggestions will pop up suggestions similar to what you entered.
- Exact spelling counts; no results for query “gooogle.com”.
- Spaces count; todo is not the same as to do.
- Dashes in filenames are searched as spaces (extensions-E-Main) is searched as (extensions E Main )(but the single E won’t be used by the search!)
- Single letters, numbers, and signs like % & ! are not indexed.
- Cannot search for %, % are treated as a space internally
- Searching for part of a word is not supported
Misc. useful info.;
- You will only see file results to drives and folders that your log-in has access too.
- In creating new files keep file names less than 128 characters.
- Normally indexed file suffixes are: mp3, dot, rtf, wpf, sdw, doc, xls, zip, dwg, eml, jpg, png, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, eps, ai, psd, msg, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xlam, pptx, pptm, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, pdf, ppt, pot, .txt and .htm*
- Files larger than 100mb are indexed for file name only.