These laser wavelengths are more powerful and vaporize the skin cells on the surface as well as causing inflammation deep into the dermis. Because surface skin cells are removed, the ablative fractional lasers are more effective at removing wrinkles, pigment, and old dead skin cells. The downside is that some recovery is required for Bella Gold Serum skin healing, however the down time is much less, about a third of the time required recovering from old time flat beam laser skin treatments. The other benefit is that ablative fractional laser skin resurfacing requires only one treatment, as opposed to the 4 treatments required for non-ablative techniques. I use the Starlux lux2940 fractional ablative laser resurfacing method. The Starlux Lux2940 is an Erbium laser and heals faster than the fractional CO2 lasers, the Fraxel Repair, the ActiveFX and DeepFX ablative machines. What is Combined Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing and Why is It Better? The newest and most effective cosmetic laser skin rejuvenation treatment I combined fractional laser skin resurfacing. |